Test, Tren & Mast Blend (TTM)
Recently we released a transformation blog that focused mainly on stacks that contained tren. Since then, our inbox has been relentless.
This article will discuss the test, tren & mast blend product available on the BigSteroidsUK website. Mainly discussing the compounds in each blend with the pros and cons of using this test, tren & mast cycle.
TTM Compounds
- Testosterone Enanthate
- Trenbolone Enanthate
- Masteron

TTM is a unique blend of testosterone enanthate and trenbolone enanthate and masteron. Instead of using a stack separately, you can use this combo in the mix to rule out certain flaws of each of these drugs.
Testosterone E is a long-acting mass builder, whilst trenbolone is a muscle hardener. Stacking these together is common in the extreme gainer cycle. Masteron adds an extra androgenic boost to the stack and gives a more hard and ripped look to the body.
On their own, each of these testosterones compounds creates their individual effect. However, whilst added together, you’re getting the best of both worlds.
The Science
TTM is a selective and highly potent competitive antagonist of the androgen receptor (AR). With no estrogenic, antiestrogenic, progestogenic, or antimineralocorticoid activity.
The drug is a metabolite of the highly effective androgen/anabolic steroid metribolone (methyltrienolone). In comparison, it has a 4-fold lower affinity for AR. Accordingly, among steroidal anti-androgens, it has a relatively high affinity for AR. It almost completely inhibits dihydrotestosterone (DHT) binding to the AR in vitro at a mere 10-fold molar excess.
TTM’s AR weak partial agonistic activity is comparable to cyproterone acetate.
The Benefits
Test E and Tren E are popularly amongst fitness professionals and amateurs alike all across the globe. TTM blends the best qualities both of these have to offer and creates an even better alternative.
TTM can rival the most potent of AAS in enhancing physical endurance, muscle mass, cell regeneration, and the production of useful hormones. It offers a perfect package of bodybuilding supplements.
TTM is an exceptional choice because it features the best traits of test E and Tren B. Tren B isn’t that useful in creating muscles, but it specialises in retaining the muscle you already have.
Test E, on the other hand, is not strong in helping you sustain a ripped body. But, it can do wonders in making you gain some lean muscles in a matter of days. TTM excels in this area. It contributes to muscle growth and also helps to maintain your physique. It will both build and protect your muscles.
While some health risks exist, it nullifies or tones down most of the adverse side effects of Tren B and Test E. It is one of the safest and most powerful supplements you can use to bulk your body.
Side Effects
Like many Testosterone blends, the side effects can be pretty severe in some instances. As long as PCT (post cycle therapy) is at hand for the end of the cycle, this will keep side effects at bay whilst also helping to maintain gains. We recommend taking Tamoxifen and Chlomid two weeks after the end of a TMT cycle (which we will discuss in more detail later).
During a cycle of TTM, people have reported profuse sweating and sleep issues. People think that TTM may produce hepatotoxicity, which is a chronic liver disease, but this is on rare occasions. Trenbolone has a history of causing aggression and mental side effects on its own, but with the Masteron stack, this is reported not to be as severe.
As with many steroids, they come with specific side effects or downsides. It’s essential to understand and or be prepared for if and when any arise. Gynecomastia is a more common side effect when dealing with such a heavy-duty testosterone-based blend. This is estrogen (female hormone) production in the pecs, which converts when the testosterone level is imbalanced—causing fatty tissue or soreness or the nipples. PCT treatment should be on hand just in case.
History of TTM
TTM was created in France by Roussel Uclaf and was first made public in 1969. Along with Benorterone, BOMT, Cyproterone, and Cyproterone Acetate, it was one of the first anti-androgens to be discovered and developed.
Roussel Uclaf investigated the drug for medical purposes. However, nonsteroidal anti-androgens like flutamide and nilutamide were better choices. These have the advantage of being completely androgenic. Roussel Uclaf also went on to develop and commercialise nilutamide for medical use.
Tren, Mast & Test Dosage
With TTM being a long-acting blend, it stays in the body for longer. Mainly available in 400mg version, it is very potent. Previous clients have used it for 8-10 weeks whilst sticking to a low carb diet with weekly reload.
Maybe starting with 1ml a week, then increasing to 2ml a week following this, then wean off back to 1 ml for the last week.
Post Cycle Therapy
What is post-cycle therapy, and how does it work?
After completing a cycle of performance-enhancing drugs such as anabolic steroids and prohormones, post-cycle therapy (PCT) is essential.
Testosterone cycles such as TTM come with many benefits, with the most prominent effects being increased muscle growth and accelerating recovery. But what most users don’t realise is that they affect your hormones pretty severely. Once you’re starting with a cycle, it begins to suppress your body’s natural testosterone levels.
That’s because your body is getting testosterone supplied by chemical testosterone, meaning your hormone production gets shut down.
Once you’ve finished your cycle, your body won’t be getting the supply of hormones through the TTM anymore. That’s when your own production needs to take over again with the assistance of a PCT.
It’s best if your hormones return to normal as soon as possible. It’s crucial because you’ll be able to maintain the gains you’ve made while using performance-enhancing drugs.
You’ll need a powerful compound that can quickly and effectively restore your hormonal balance. There are two types of products that you can use for PCT. They are oral tablets that need to be taken 1-2 weeks after the last injection and continued for two weeks:
- Clomid PCT (Clomiphene)
- Nolvadex PCT (Tamoxifen)
Chemtech is a company that prides itself on bringing you the best at minimal prices. You can expect quality that can match Global Anabolics and Bayer products. But, the price is a whole lot cheaper.
Final Say
Overall, if you are looking to achieve some solemn mass, strength, and lean muscle, the TTM cycle is highly advised. You will see results within the first couple of weeks.
For more products and alternative stack cycles, visit our website BigSteroidsUK.